Nz's Original Crime Tour


Nz's Original Crime Tour *

Curly Jack's Underbelly Crime Walk

“No matter how beautiful Dunedin looks, there are mean streets for those who seek them”—Ian Rankin

Join Mr. Smiff on a leisurely stroll through Dunedin's notorious 'Devils Triangle' and delve into the chilling truths behind the city's darkest deeds. Brace yourself for an explosive tour that delves deep into the captivating history of crime and punishment in Dunedin. Behind every door lies a tale of murder, adultery, and betrayal, waiting to be unveiled. Prepare to be captivated by the sinister secrets that have shaped this intriguing corner of the city.


6.00pm April-September
9.00pm October-March


Hair Raiser Tours H.Q
110 Moray Place


Adult $50
Child $30


90 minutes

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